Track and Field
Our Chongfu CCA Athletics strives to develop a love for Track and Field in our students through the acquisition of skills and knowledge of techniques required in run, jump and throw events.
Through our customized programmes catering to the talented to compete at a higher level, our students train holistically under the experienced hands of our coaches and dedicated teachers. With social and emotional competencies in mind, our students are provided with opportunities to inculcate them with the right values and healthy competitive spirit.
Students participating in CCA Athletics develop and demonstrates their character guided by the school’s values of GRACIOUSLY. They also learn about sports-related values such as sportsmanship, teamwork and perseverance. Athletics is a CCA that requires students to learn mental and physical fitness. CCA Athletics believes in instilling a growth mindset in the students as they acquire skills that will help inculcate the lifelong pursuit in a healthy lifestyle even after they graduated from Chongfu.
Teachers In Charge: Tuesdays
- Mr Ghazali Abdol Wahab (2I/C)
- Ms Senthilkumar Muthuselvi Shruti
Teachers In Charge: Fridays
- Mdm Ngiam Wen Yuan (I/C)
- Ms Nur Syafiqah Binte Mohamad Sham
CCA Day & Venue:
- Tuesdays, 1.45pm – 3.45pm
Parade Square - Fridays, 1.45pm – 3.45pm
Parade Square